Well ... tomorrow Benjamin will be 11 weeks old, eeeek! Where on earth has that time gone?! And I thought my pregnancy went quickly. I've settled into motherhood well and we're really enjoying our time together getting to know one and other!
The first month was such a blur. The hubby was lucky to be able to take 4 weeks off work which meant that we all got to enjoy those precious early moments. It was also a god send as I could recover properly from the cesarean with Mark there to help throughout the day. Recovery over and Mark well and truly back at work, me and Benjamin have been settling into our new routine, which includes baby groups, walks, meeting people and attempting naps ...
And, with all this 'time off' from blogging I've racked up quite a few topics which I want to cover, so apologies if you get bombarded in the next few weeks!!
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
I'm still here
Just taking some time to adjust to mummyhood, and trying to figure out if I'll ever have the time to post again!
Friday, 16 September 2011
new arrival ...
On Friday 9th September 2011 we welcomed our beautiful baby boy, Benjamin John Davies, into the world. He is absolutely perfect and we are totally besotted, I just cant stop looking at him and drinking in every little detail.
The delivery wasn't as straight forward as I would have liked but I would go through it all over again, ten times and more for our little man! After a strange day where I seemed to cry at everything and didn't feel 'quite right' my waters broke at 3.15am on Thursday 8th. I wasn't experiencing any contractions but was advised to go into hospital to be checked, they confirmed that the membranes had ruptured and advised me to go home where labour would hopefully follow and to return the next morning to be induced if it had not. Sure enough at home the contractions started, they were somewhat mild (in comparison to what was to follow) and irregular. I had some concerns over the colour of the fluids, mainly clear with some green flecks, so was advised to return to hospital. The midwifes assured me that they were not concerned about this but would progress with the induction as I was already there, so at 4.15pm I was induced. I hadn't really mentioned my thoughts on induction here before, but it was one of the things that ideally I would have liked to have avoided as rather than build gradually the drugs progress you well into labour quickly, not allowing much time for your body to produce it's own pain killers, however I wanted the baby to arrive the safest way possible
I progressed from 1cm to 6cm very quickly, but the pain was unbearable. I had been given diamorphine which had no effect and the gas and air provided more of a distraction rather than any relief. My hubby was wonderful and supportive throughout the whole thing. I cant imagine what it is like to watch someone you love go through so much pain when there is nothing you can do to help. When I was told I was 6cm dilated I quickly opted for an epidural, which thankfully didn't take that long to arrange. The difference that this made was like night and day, very quickly I couldn't feel the contractions which was marvellous. Following the epidural I progressed to 8cm slowly and unfortunately that is as far as I got, they think that this is down to the position of the little tinker. At first the consultant said that they would give it another two hours to see if I had progressed any further, if not then we would be looking at a section. I think it was at this point that I realised, even if I made it to 10cm I didn't have the energy to push, I asked to be examined after an hour when they did this I was still at 8cm so the epidural was topped up and I was prepped for surgery.
What follows is a bit of a blur, I was very nervous and trying to keep my mind off what was happening! Mark joined us when they were ready and it started, no pain just as strange feeling and then a tiny cry! The next thing I heard was Mark telling me that we had had a boy "a beautiful baby boy". We were both so emotional! Words can't describe how I felt when I saw him for the very first time. After I was put back together again, we spent the rest of the day getting to know each other, having lots and lots of cuddles!
A week later and we're at home, adjusting to new surroundings and new roles. I thought my pregnancy went fast but this week has gone by so quickly! We're getting there with breastfeeding, thanks to lots of support and encouragement from family, friends and professionals. And I hear that eventually you do get into more of a routine, but hey - sleep is overrated when you have something this special!
The delivery wasn't as straight forward as I would have liked but I would go through it all over again, ten times and more for our little man! After a strange day where I seemed to cry at everything and didn't feel 'quite right' my waters broke at 3.15am on Thursday 8th. I wasn't experiencing any contractions but was advised to go into hospital to be checked, they confirmed that the membranes had ruptured and advised me to go home where labour would hopefully follow and to return the next morning to be induced if it had not. Sure enough at home the contractions started, they were somewhat mild (in comparison to what was to follow) and irregular. I had some concerns over the colour of the fluids, mainly clear with some green flecks, so was advised to return to hospital. The midwifes assured me that they were not concerned about this but would progress with the induction as I was already there, so at 4.15pm I was induced. I hadn't really mentioned my thoughts on induction here before, but it was one of the things that ideally I would have liked to have avoided as rather than build gradually the drugs progress you well into labour quickly, not allowing much time for your body to produce it's own pain killers, however I wanted the baby to arrive the safest way possible
I progressed from 1cm to 6cm very quickly, but the pain was unbearable. I had been given diamorphine which had no effect and the gas and air provided more of a distraction rather than any relief. My hubby was wonderful and supportive throughout the whole thing. I cant imagine what it is like to watch someone you love go through so much pain when there is nothing you can do to help. When I was told I was 6cm dilated I quickly opted for an epidural, which thankfully didn't take that long to arrange. The difference that this made was like night and day, very quickly I couldn't feel the contractions which was marvellous. Following the epidural I progressed to 8cm slowly and unfortunately that is as far as I got, they think that this is down to the position of the little tinker. At first the consultant said that they would give it another two hours to see if I had progressed any further, if not then we would be looking at a section. I think it was at this point that I realised, even if I made it to 10cm I didn't have the energy to push, I asked to be examined after an hour when they did this I was still at 8cm so the epidural was topped up and I was prepped for surgery.
What follows is a bit of a blur, I was very nervous and trying to keep my mind off what was happening! Mark joined us when they were ready and it started, no pain just as strange feeling and then a tiny cry! The next thing I heard was Mark telling me that we had had a boy "a beautiful baby boy". We were both so emotional! Words can't describe how I felt when I saw him for the very first time. After I was put back together again, we spent the rest of the day getting to know each other, having lots and lots of cuddles!
A week later and we're at home, adjusting to new surroundings and new roles. I thought my pregnancy went fast but this week has gone by so quickly! We're getting there with breastfeeding, thanks to lots of support and encouragement from family, friends and professionals. And I hear that eventually you do get into more of a routine, but hey - sleep is overrated when you have something this special!
Monday, 5 September 2011
39 weeks!
Today I'm 39 weeks through my pregnancy, looking back it's been such an amazing time and that is what I need to keep in my mind as I'm growing (still!) more uncomfortable as the days go on!!
This week I got fitted for some nursing bras at good old M&S. I thought I would go now and get some basic ones and then go back a few weeks after the baby has arrived to be fitted again and pick up some prettier ones ... who says functional has to be boring?! I know my body has changed a lot throughout the pregnancy but I wasn't quite expecting to have gone up three whole cup sizes, with the possibility of these increasing again! My new bras are so comfy ... now I just need to get the hang of these clip things at the top! I also bought some basic nursing tops which I thought would be great for around the house, I hadn't planned on getting any but H&M has a pack of two in for £20, not bad! Upon recommendations of mums I've been stockpiling cheap vest tops to wear under normal tops, just as good as nursing tops for modesty and you don't feel like you still have a restricted wardrobe apparently.
In the interest of science, last week I posted that I was going to be trying some of the old wives tales of how to induce labour ... well, as you can tell by this post none were successful! I did have two 'false starts' last week but I think that they were a sign that I really need to start taking things a bit easier and get as much rest as possible!!
Both were with the same symptoms, increased moisture (sorry!), intense back ache, hip pain and accompanying tightenings. I was so convinced that the second time was the start of things that I timed the contractions, they were 9 mins apart and each lasted just over a minute. When I called the labour ward for advice they recommended that I take paracetamol and rest and to head in when the contractions got more intense, closer together (around three in ten minutes) and longer. All symptoms seemed to disappear within an hour and a half ... very frustrating at the time BUT at least I know what to look out for, and when to contact the hospital and head in!! Also on the positive, my body is certainly preparing itself for the main event ... I just hope that it all happens naturally and I don't need to be induced in three weeks time!
Not in the interest of taking it easy, me and the hubby have been making the most of our last few weeks as a twosome. On Saturday we went out for breakfast and had a lovely meander around Durham, you forget how nice places are when you live there. Yesterday we went to the seaside for a walk, the weather was great and we were talking excitedly about how nice it will be when we can bring the little one for a plodge in the sea! We then went for lunch (scientifically spicy chicken!) and had a look round the shops.
In the nicest possible way, I hope the next post is a birth announcement rather than a countdown update!
This week I got fitted for some nursing bras at good old M&S. I thought I would go now and get some basic ones and then go back a few weeks after the baby has arrived to be fitted again and pick up some prettier ones ... who says functional has to be boring?! I know my body has changed a lot throughout the pregnancy but I wasn't quite expecting to have gone up three whole cup sizes, with the possibility of these increasing again! My new bras are so comfy ... now I just need to get the hang of these clip things at the top! I also bought some basic nursing tops which I thought would be great for around the house, I hadn't planned on getting any but H&M has a pack of two in for £20, not bad! Upon recommendations of mums I've been stockpiling cheap vest tops to wear under normal tops, just as good as nursing tops for modesty and you don't feel like you still have a restricted wardrobe apparently.
In the interest of science, last week I posted that I was going to be trying some of the old wives tales of how to induce labour ... well, as you can tell by this post none were successful! I did have two 'false starts' last week but I think that they were a sign that I really need to start taking things a bit easier and get as much rest as possible!!
Both were with the same symptoms, increased moisture (sorry!), intense back ache, hip pain and accompanying tightenings. I was so convinced that the second time was the start of things that I timed the contractions, they were 9 mins apart and each lasted just over a minute. When I called the labour ward for advice they recommended that I take paracetamol and rest and to head in when the contractions got more intense, closer together (around three in ten minutes) and longer. All symptoms seemed to disappear within an hour and a half ... very frustrating at the time BUT at least I know what to look out for, and when to contact the hospital and head in!! Also on the positive, my body is certainly preparing itself for the main event ... I just hope that it all happens naturally and I don't need to be induced in three weeks time!
Not in the interest of taking it easy, me and the hubby have been making the most of our last few weeks as a twosome. On Saturday we went out for breakfast and had a lovely meander around Durham, you forget how nice places are when you live there. Yesterday we went to the seaside for a walk, the weather was great and we were talking excitedly about how nice it will be when we can bring the little one for a plodge in the sea! We then went for lunch (scientifically spicy chicken!) and had a look round the shops.
In the nicest possible way, I hope the next post is a birth announcement rather than a countdown update!
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
the other hospital checklist
As d-day is approaching fast, I've noticed that I seem to have another 'to do list' in preparation for the hospital, which quite literally involves preparing myself. I'm not talking about mental preparation or physical, in terms of pre-natal exercises etc. oh no, I'm far more shallow than that it would seem! For me this list involves preparing my body for whatever exposure I may come up against (and I hear there is lots of it!), closer to holiday prep than readying myself for the arrival of our little munchkin! This is what I've done so far ...
Pedi aside, what is great about this is that I have been able to do them all at home, indulging in a little me time while resting and nesting. Ok, I did have a go at the pedi but it's near impossible being this shape. The best I could do was reach and try my best to aim for a nail! Time permitting I would also like to have my eyelashes tinted but I would definitely need to go to a salon for that!
I know it's not necessary, and I'm sure that the midwifes wont care that my finger and toe nails match as the baby is coming. But it makes me feel better and a bit more confident going in to things!
- Manicure
- Pedicure
- Eyebrow wax
- Full body scrub
- Leg and bikini line hair removal
- Intensive conditioning treatment
Pedi aside, what is great about this is that I have been able to do them all at home, indulging in a little me time while resting and nesting. Ok, I did have a go at the pedi but it's near impossible being this shape. The best I could do was reach and try my best to aim for a nail! Time permitting I would also like to have my eyelashes tinted but I would definitely need to go to a salon for that!
I know it's not necessary, and I'm sure that the midwifes wont care that my finger and toe nails match as the baby is coming. But it makes me feel better and a bit more confident going in to things!
Monday, 29 August 2011
38 weeks!
TODAY (yes I am being good this week ...) I am 38 weeks through my pregnancy ... and boy do I know it! I feel cumbersome and huge and have reached the point where I am ready for this baby to come. Thankfully the tooth (or lack of) is feeling better, thanks to some low dosage codeine that helped me through ... I have definitely been punished for eating all those cakes etc. over the past few months.
Where do I start? I have had a strange week, part spent in bed because I haven't been sleeping well and part making up for it by cleaning and ironing absolutely everything. I have been getting more and more sudden pains ... down there ... thanks to the baby 'headbutting' as we like to call it. One more thing which I have been experiencing is what a pain in the bum pregnancy is, literally! Sudden sharp shooting pains in that region, not good!! Nobody tells you about these things at the start, so when you start to experience them there is that panic of whether this is normal ... apparently it is, and very common too! I'm starting to think I might write my own 'warts and all' pregnancy book!!
So I've reached that point, as many women do, where I'm starting to think that trying the old wives tales of ways to bring on labour might not be such a bad idea, in the interest of science you see! It all started on Saturday when we went to the metro centre (shopping centre), the hubby wanted to get some new clothes and I never mind a spot of retail therapy even if it isn't for me, after the clothes shopping was done we headed to the newly opened wagamama restaurant where I ordered the katsu curry ... it was lovely but immediately afterwards I started to have really strong contraction like sensations, not painful but more intense than any I have had before. This accompanied by the fact I've been having constant dull aches in my lower back for the past few days made me think that this might be the start of something. By the end of the day the contractions had gone but the back ache was still there and a little stronger than before. Sunday I woke with the same back ache and regular but painless braxton hicks, we had also planned to go out for a belated birthday curry that night so I had my hopes high that the same thing might happen again, but to help things we decided to go out for a walk (something else that is supposed to help). The walk made sure we were hungry and the curry was beautiful, back ache was still there and I had some more painful tightenings but that was about it! I woke very early this morning and needed the loo, but I could barely get out of bed and when I did I felt like I couldn't walk because of the pains ... down there, I did eventually make it to the loo and the pains wore off! Today I have been absolutely exhausted, spending half the day in my PJs but determined to try some more remedies we went out again, this time for a shorter walk and for a hot and spicy pizza (according to babycentre forum these have proved successful for other people) so here I am, chronic heartburn and hoping that maybe this is what will have an effect!
So in summary, two curries have failed and hopes are currently riding on a hot and spicy cheesy bites pizza, if not I have stocked up on pineapple for tomorrows experiment, fresh pineapple is meant to help but you have to eat around 8! I have two large boxes of pre prepared fruit (which is probably all I would end up with if I was put in charge of preparing 8 of them!) which I plan to munch my way through tomorrow ... probably in between ironing and cleaning :)
I also have a midwife appointment tomorrow, hopefully the little rascal will have moved from back to back - I have been really good and done my exercises every day!
Where do I start? I have had a strange week, part spent in bed because I haven't been sleeping well and part making up for it by cleaning and ironing absolutely everything. I have been getting more and more sudden pains ... down there ... thanks to the baby 'headbutting' as we like to call it. One more thing which I have been experiencing is what a pain in the bum pregnancy is, literally! Sudden sharp shooting pains in that region, not good!! Nobody tells you about these things at the start, so when you start to experience them there is that panic of whether this is normal ... apparently it is, and very common too! I'm starting to think I might write my own 'warts and all' pregnancy book!!
So I've reached that point, as many women do, where I'm starting to think that trying the old wives tales of ways to bring on labour might not be such a bad idea, in the interest of science you see! It all started on Saturday when we went to the metro centre (shopping centre), the hubby wanted to get some new clothes and I never mind a spot of retail therapy even if it isn't for me, after the clothes shopping was done we headed to the newly opened wagamama restaurant where I ordered the katsu curry ... it was lovely but immediately afterwards I started to have really strong contraction like sensations, not painful but more intense than any I have had before. This accompanied by the fact I've been having constant dull aches in my lower back for the past few days made me think that this might be the start of something. By the end of the day the contractions had gone but the back ache was still there and a little stronger than before. Sunday I woke with the same back ache and regular but painless braxton hicks, we had also planned to go out for a belated birthday curry that night so I had my hopes high that the same thing might happen again, but to help things we decided to go out for a walk (something else that is supposed to help). The walk made sure we were hungry and the curry was beautiful, back ache was still there and I had some more painful tightenings but that was about it! I woke very early this morning and needed the loo, but I could barely get out of bed and when I did I felt like I couldn't walk because of the pains ... down there, I did eventually make it to the loo and the pains wore off! Today I have been absolutely exhausted, spending half the day in my PJs but determined to try some more remedies we went out again, this time for a shorter walk and for a hot and spicy pizza (according to babycentre forum these have proved successful for other people) so here I am, chronic heartburn and hoping that maybe this is what will have an effect!
So in summary, two curries have failed and hopes are currently riding on a hot and spicy cheesy bites pizza, if not I have stocked up on pineapple for tomorrows experiment, fresh pineapple is meant to help but you have to eat around 8! I have two large boxes of pre prepared fruit (which is probably all I would end up with if I was put in charge of preparing 8 of them!) which I plan to munch my way through tomorrow ... probably in between ironing and cleaning :)
I also have a midwife appointment tomorrow, hopefully the little rascal will have moved from back to back - I have been really good and done my exercises every day!
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
37 weeks!
On Monday I was 37 weeks through my pregnancy, which means that the baby is now classed as full term and could come any day now ...
Sunday was my 29th birthday, I had a lovely day with family, my mum even cooked a roast dinner which is unheard of. I have, however, stored my birthday bubbly allocation for use once the baby is here and has settled in to a feeding routine! Sunday was eventful for a whole other reason too ... I hadn't felt much movement throughout the day and despite trying the usual tricks, ice cold drinks and high sugar content food, I wasn't getting much of a response so that evening we decided to go to the hospital to be checked out. The midwifes were lovely and I was put on a tracker to monitor both me and the baby. Thankfully everything was fine, as junior decided to start jumping around as usual once the monitor was put on and we ended up with what was described as a textbook trace. Although nervous for obvious reasons to begin with, the whole experience really put me at ease, knowing that the staff are so friendly and supportive has certainly relieved some apprehension about when the actual time arrives!
Monday was also an eventful day, as we spent another night at the hospital ... for non pregnancy related reasons! I've had a problem with one of my back teeth for a while that I have been putting off and putting off, at the weekend this really came to a head and I was in agony. Still being stubborn as a mule I didn't do anything about it other than mope about, take paracetamol and put bags of frozen anything on my face. I held out until Monday night when I gave in and went to the emergency dentist, who promptly removed the offending tooth. I had read somewhere that it wasn't recommended that you have dental work, like fillings, during the later stages of pregnancy. Obviously you can't leave cavities untreated either! I'm still in lots of pain from the extraction, which was difficult to say the least, and the only thing that we are allowed - paracetamol - wasn't even touching the pain I'm in. So today I contacted my GP who has prescribed me a low dose of codeine for the next couple of days to help as things settle down! Fingers crossed!!
Other than that I feel fine, I've got used to the braxton hicks and the babies 'headbutting' as we now like to call it. Lets see how the little one reacts to my current 'smooth food' diet!
Sunday was my 29th birthday, I had a lovely day with family, my mum even cooked a roast dinner which is unheard of. I have, however, stored my birthday bubbly allocation for use once the baby is here and has settled in to a feeding routine! Sunday was eventful for a whole other reason too ... I hadn't felt much movement throughout the day and despite trying the usual tricks, ice cold drinks and high sugar content food, I wasn't getting much of a response so that evening we decided to go to the hospital to be checked out. The midwifes were lovely and I was put on a tracker to monitor both me and the baby. Thankfully everything was fine, as junior decided to start jumping around as usual once the monitor was put on and we ended up with what was described as a textbook trace. Although nervous for obvious reasons to begin with, the whole experience really put me at ease, knowing that the staff are so friendly and supportive has certainly relieved some apprehension about when the actual time arrives!
Monday was also an eventful day, as we spent another night at the hospital ... for non pregnancy related reasons! I've had a problem with one of my back teeth for a while that I have been putting off and putting off, at the weekend this really came to a head and I was in agony. Still being stubborn as a mule I didn't do anything about it other than mope about, take paracetamol and put bags of frozen anything on my face. I held out until Monday night when I gave in and went to the emergency dentist, who promptly removed the offending tooth. I had read somewhere that it wasn't recommended that you have dental work, like fillings, during the later stages of pregnancy. Obviously you can't leave cavities untreated either! I'm still in lots of pain from the extraction, which was difficult to say the least, and the only thing that we are allowed - paracetamol - wasn't even touching the pain I'm in. So today I contacted my GP who has prescribed me a low dose of codeine for the next couple of days to help as things settle down! Fingers crossed!!
Other than that I feel fine, I've got used to the braxton hicks and the babies 'headbutting' as we now like to call it. Lets see how the little one reacts to my current 'smooth food' diet!
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
paper balloons
I came across these a while back when decorating the nursery, they are irresistibly cute and may have to make an appearance at birthday parties in the future ... what do you think? They are £9.50 for five from notonthehighstreet.com.
36 weeks!
Well, 36 weeks +1, I'm getting terrible for posting on the actual day! Never mind ... only 4 weeks until my EDD.
At the end of this week the baby will be classed as full term, meaning everything should have developed properly and the baby could come any day. This is something that my body has been kindly reminding me of throughout the past week as the intensity of the braxton hicks became much stronger, to the point where I nearly contacted the hospital for advice on Friday, thankfully they eased off. I've read that this is quite common at this stage, as the baby gets itself ready and assumes position and the uterus drops this increases the pressure on the cervix. Not even resting seems to take the edge off so I have to pay attention to the timings (just to make sure its not the real thing) and wait while they go ...
I've been making the most of my time off, attempting to be a domestic goddess and visiting friends. Last week I was so lucky to spend two days with two fab babies ... lets me get a sneak peek into the future. I also got to spend some time with my mum, just me and her, which is something we don't get to do that often and might not in the near future - it was lovely, I just hope I'm half as good at being a mum as she is!
Me and the hubby have also been making the most of our last few weeks together as a twosome, having cosy nights in (he's even done quite a bit of the cooking) and of course going on our dates! On Sunday we took an impromptu trip to Newcastle and amazingly stayed away from most of the clothes shops, instead we did things that we don't normally do, like looking round the fab foodie stalls that were in the city centre, I spent ages looking at the gourmet cupcakes (sweet, satisfying and glittery ... what's not to like?!) and the hubby did the same with the artisan breads. In the end we came away with goodies from each! The funny thing was on the way home we both talked excitedly about how great it will be when we can take the little one along to things like that.
Over the past week, I have noticed that I am starting to get tired easier, the simplest things seem to require an enormous amount of energy. At the end of the day even climbing the stairs seems like a chore! I can't imagine what it feels like to go to 42 weeks (although I may find out), it must be exhausting! This paired with the fact that I'm not sleeping well means that I nap throughout the day, seriously I seem to get more sleep in between the hubby leaves to go to work and lunch than I do all night! It seems that this is just one of those things, I think I better start loading the bedside table with good reading material ...
I had a midwife appointment today, the baby is still 4/5ths engaged so no progress there despite the amount of braxton hicks and pressure I have been feeling. The midwife also thinks that the baby is now back to back, there is still time for the little one to move but I'm going to increase the amount of optimum birth position exercises I do just to help things along, after all they can't hurt! Other than that everything is fine so fingers crossed the little one manages to move again in time for the big day.
This is a picture of my fabulously glittery jammy dodger cupcake, part demolished! Afternoon tea and a day at the beach planned this week ...
At the end of this week the baby will be classed as full term, meaning everything should have developed properly and the baby could come any day. This is something that my body has been kindly reminding me of throughout the past week as the intensity of the braxton hicks became much stronger, to the point where I nearly contacted the hospital for advice on Friday, thankfully they eased off. I've read that this is quite common at this stage, as the baby gets itself ready and assumes position and the uterus drops this increases the pressure on the cervix. Not even resting seems to take the edge off so I have to pay attention to the timings (just to make sure its not the real thing) and wait while they go ...
I've been making the most of my time off, attempting to be a domestic goddess and visiting friends. Last week I was so lucky to spend two days with two fab babies ... lets me get a sneak peek into the future. I also got to spend some time with my mum, just me and her, which is something we don't get to do that often and might not in the near future - it was lovely, I just hope I'm half as good at being a mum as she is!
Me and the hubby have also been making the most of our last few weeks together as a twosome, having cosy nights in (he's even done quite a bit of the cooking) and of course going on our dates! On Sunday we took an impromptu trip to Newcastle and amazingly stayed away from most of the clothes shops, instead we did things that we don't normally do, like looking round the fab foodie stalls that were in the city centre, I spent ages looking at the gourmet cupcakes (sweet, satisfying and glittery ... what's not to like?!) and the hubby did the same with the artisan breads. In the end we came away with goodies from each! The funny thing was on the way home we both talked excitedly about how great it will be when we can take the little one along to things like that.
Over the past week, I have noticed that I am starting to get tired easier, the simplest things seem to require an enormous amount of energy. At the end of the day even climbing the stairs seems like a chore! I can't imagine what it feels like to go to 42 weeks (although I may find out), it must be exhausting! This paired with the fact that I'm not sleeping well means that I nap throughout the day, seriously I seem to get more sleep in between the hubby leaves to go to work and lunch than I do all night! It seems that this is just one of those things, I think I better start loading the bedside table with good reading material ...
I had a midwife appointment today, the baby is still 4/5ths engaged so no progress there despite the amount of braxton hicks and pressure I have been feeling. The midwife also thinks that the baby is now back to back, there is still time for the little one to move but I'm going to increase the amount of optimum birth position exercises I do just to help things along, after all they can't hurt! Other than that everything is fine so fingers crossed the little one manages to move again in time for the big day.
This is a picture of my fabulously glittery jammy dodger cupcake, part demolished! Afternoon tea and a day at the beach planned this week ...
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
35 weeks!
Only 5 weeks to go to my EDD!
My first official week off has gone in such a blur. Last Tuesday I had a midwife appointment, which was fine. She asked if I wanted her to come to the house to help write my birth plan, which I politely declined. Even though planning is in my blood, I know enough people with babies now to know nothing goes to plan. Those who wanted no medical assistance ending up with an epidural and emergency c-section, one wanting a hypno birth who can't praise diamorphine enough, one who was adamant that she was having an epidural only to be told there wasn't enough time, and another who had planned for a water birth only for the baby to have other ideas and arrive very quickly in the toilet as the birthing pool was being filled.
There are so many circumstances and what ifs to take into consideration that I don't think you could possibly plan for all of them. The most important thing to me is that the baby arrives in the safest way possible and isn't put at risk because of what I may had 'planned'. I think I have reached this point because I had to get my head round the fact that I may have needed a planned c-section due to the position of the placenta, not what I would have planned but so what ... at the end of the day it would have been the safest thing for both me and the baby. Also, because I have SPD (which is coping very well at the moment touch wood) I know that even getting into some of the birthing positions might be quite painful so I have to keep an open mind about pain relief.
My 'plan' is to give birth in hospital, I would feel more comfortable knowing that if required I have immediate access to consultant led care. I have heard wonderful things about our local midwife led centre and, if all is straightforward with this birth, I would definitely consider it for any future children. But with this being our first we don't know what to expect. For the same reason I never really considered a home birth, although I can only assume that it is a beautiful experience for those that do choose them. And as mentioned above I want to keep an open mind about pain relief, letting my body tell me what it needs, also I don't think there is much point in going straight for an epidural when you don't know what relief the other options can offer, who knows gas and air could be enough!
I added a birthing ball to my previous post on packing, I want to try to stay as active as possible throughout the labour just to help things along. I would also like Mark to be the one to tell me what sex the baby is and if he is up to it, cut the cord.
The most important thing to me is the safe arrival of our baby, if that means the use of forceps or an emergency section so be it.
So that's it, my birth plan! Not so much a plan but a set of principles which I think can be applied to many of the situations that can arise during birth.
Other than thinking about these preferences, over the past week I have been packing my hospital bag and visiting friends with babies, who I don't get a chance to visit that often because of their new routines. It's been lovely to catch up with people and see how well, and differently, they are getting on with being parents.
The midwife also noted that the babies head has started to engage, so rather than it being 'free' which means it hasn't started the descent into the pelvis and is still moving freely, it is now 4/5ths engaged ... not what it sounds as I soon found out, I thought that this would mean that the head only had one fifth to go until it was fully engaged, in midwife terms this is quite the opposite, one fifth is in place and we have 4 more to go! The movement of the baby from transverse to oblique and now head down will help explain the pain I was experiencing with the braxton hicks, as significant pressure is now on my cervix and pelvis. However, at this stage the baby can still move it's head out of this position and become free again ... interesting to see where we are at my next appointment!
Also, as the baby has started to engage I've noticed that my bump has dropped quite a bit, creating a whole new colony of the beloved stretch marks! I honestly don't mind them, it's like a little story about our baby, but what I do mind is the itching! Not very attractive walking round the shops having a good old scratch of ones large belly : )
I'm feeling great to be honest, I think I needed to slow the pace a bit and get some rest ... might as well make the most of it before the baby arrives.
My first official week off has gone in such a blur. Last Tuesday I had a midwife appointment, which was fine. She asked if I wanted her to come to the house to help write my birth plan, which I politely declined. Even though planning is in my blood, I know enough people with babies now to know nothing goes to plan. Those who wanted no medical assistance ending up with an epidural and emergency c-section, one wanting a hypno birth who can't praise diamorphine enough, one who was adamant that she was having an epidural only to be told there wasn't enough time, and another who had planned for a water birth only for the baby to have other ideas and arrive very quickly in the toilet as the birthing pool was being filled.
There are so many circumstances and what ifs to take into consideration that I don't think you could possibly plan for all of them. The most important thing to me is that the baby arrives in the safest way possible and isn't put at risk because of what I may had 'planned'. I think I have reached this point because I had to get my head round the fact that I may have needed a planned c-section due to the position of the placenta, not what I would have planned but so what ... at the end of the day it would have been the safest thing for both me and the baby. Also, because I have SPD (which is coping very well at the moment touch wood) I know that even getting into some of the birthing positions might be quite painful so I have to keep an open mind about pain relief.
My 'plan' is to give birth in hospital, I would feel more comfortable knowing that if required I have immediate access to consultant led care. I have heard wonderful things about our local midwife led centre and, if all is straightforward with this birth, I would definitely consider it for any future children. But with this being our first we don't know what to expect. For the same reason I never really considered a home birth, although I can only assume that it is a beautiful experience for those that do choose them. And as mentioned above I want to keep an open mind about pain relief, letting my body tell me what it needs, also I don't think there is much point in going straight for an epidural when you don't know what relief the other options can offer, who knows gas and air could be enough!
I added a birthing ball to my previous post on packing, I want to try to stay as active as possible throughout the labour just to help things along. I would also like Mark to be the one to tell me what sex the baby is and if he is up to it, cut the cord.
The most important thing to me is the safe arrival of our baby, if that means the use of forceps or an emergency section so be it.
So that's it, my birth plan! Not so much a plan but a set of principles which I think can be applied to many of the situations that can arise during birth.
Other than thinking about these preferences, over the past week I have been packing my hospital bag and visiting friends with babies, who I don't get a chance to visit that often because of their new routines. It's been lovely to catch up with people and see how well, and differently, they are getting on with being parents.
The midwife also noted that the babies head has started to engage, so rather than it being 'free' which means it hasn't started the descent into the pelvis and is still moving freely, it is now 4/5ths engaged ... not what it sounds as I soon found out, I thought that this would mean that the head only had one fifth to go until it was fully engaged, in midwife terms this is quite the opposite, one fifth is in place and we have 4 more to go! The movement of the baby from transverse to oblique and now head down will help explain the pain I was experiencing with the braxton hicks, as significant pressure is now on my cervix and pelvis. However, at this stage the baby can still move it's head out of this position and become free again ... interesting to see where we are at my next appointment!
Also, as the baby has started to engage I've noticed that my bump has dropped quite a bit, creating a whole new colony of the beloved stretch marks! I honestly don't mind them, it's like a little story about our baby, but what I do mind is the itching! Not very attractive walking round the shops having a good old scratch of ones large belly : )
I'm feeling great to be honest, I think I needed to slow the pace a bit and get some rest ... might as well make the most of it before the baby arrives.
Sunday, 7 August 2011
lamp lust - update ...
I gave into my greed today and purchased the lovely lamp, I know it won't make my life amazingly better and I shouldn't be spending money on things like that with our new arrival imminent ... but gosh it makes my living room look lovely and more importantly it makes me smile every time I see it! I'm looking forward to when the baby is a little older and watching disney films - it will be like we have our own giant pixar lamp in the house.
Not sure where the final position will be but right now it's next to our Florence-Knoll-esque sofas and in front of the obligatory ikea Audrey Hepburn canvas. Next on the list of greed and 'in the style of' furniture is the ikea docksta dining table, a pocket friendly version of the classic tulip table, here it is looking lovely as ever over at apartment therapy.
Not sure where the final position will be but right now it's next to our Florence-Knoll-esque sofas and in front of the obligatory ikea Audrey Hepburn canvas. Next on the list of greed and 'in the style of' furniture is the ikea docksta dining table, a pocket friendly version of the classic tulip table, here it is looking lovely as ever over at apartment therapy.
Saturday, 6 August 2011
should i??
The hubby and I had a quick dash to the lovely b&q this morning to pick up some essentials for weeding taming the garden ... his idea, not mine! When we were there I spied their tecton lamp, a version of the iconic giant anglepoise lamp, in chrome and in the sale for £55 (usual selling price is around £99). The original retails for quite a bit more than that, I've just found an orange one online for around £2000!!!
I stood in front of the display model, drooling for what felt like an eternity, but in the end left it to 'have a think' now I really don't know what to do ... it is beautiful and would compliment the rest of our retro modern furniture in the living room but hubby has got me thinking about the hinges etc and how baby friendly they would be ... aaaargh!
While I continue to contemplate life with and without the lamp, this is a picture of it in black, yummy!
I stood in front of the display model, drooling for what felt like an eternity, but in the end left it to 'have a think' now I really don't know what to do ... it is beautiful and would compliment the rest of our retro modern furniture in the living room but hubby has got me thinking about the hinges etc and how baby friendly they would be ... aaaargh!
While I continue to contemplate life with and without the lamp, this is a picture of it in black, yummy!
Thursday, 4 August 2011
autumn shades
I feel a bit ridiculous posting with this title as we are still having really humid weather here in Durham but I just can't help it. I'm the type of person that gets attracted to the new season rails as soon as the sales start, and this year it has been especially the case given that these are the clothes that I'll be wearing when I'm done with the maternity clothes.
I have had loads of fun finding really nice maternity clothes, and experimenting with items in my pre-pregnancy wardrobe, but as d day approaches I'm really looking forward to getting some new non maternity wear! I'm particularly coveting the lovely knitwear that is hitting the shelves, especially in my favourite autumnal hues of chocolate brown, dusky pink and rust. With that in mind these are two looks I've come up with ...
The first is more relaxed, something that I would like to wear when we have visitors or for that first and short trip out. I have these jeans, they are skinny indigo maternity jeans from new look and they are fab. As they don't have an over the bump panel I think they will be great for the transition as everything (more or less) returns to normal. I've also bought some looser fit basic tees, this one is from topshop, I think they will be great to have on over a nursing vest while I'm still tummy conscious. The lovely cardi is from dorothy perkins and is top of my shopping list at the moment. In the house I would team this outfit with some trusty slipper socks, outside I'd still go for comfort and opt for some pretty ballet flats, these are lovely and a bargain from garage shoes (I love garage shoes!). I'm planning to keep makeup very simple and have added a lovely tinted balm from topshop and good old falsies mascara, also some dry shampoo might come in handy! Now this watch is well out of my reach at the minute, it's Marc by Marc Jacobs ... one can only dream! I do have a lovely gold watch but had to put this one in the pic because it is just so pretty!!
This outfit looks like you've made more of an effort, even though the emphasis is still on comfort. I love the style and colour of this knitted dress, again from dotty p's, they seem to have got it spot on so far with their new season collection for me! I would team this with some fab riding boots, these are another bargain from the fabulous garage shoes (look past the naff gladiators and stripper shoes and you too will see the genius of this shop). The knitted dress would be quite forgiving on a mummy tummy and as I regain my waistline I'll be making the most of it, emphasising the new shape with a skinny belt like this one from dorothy perkins. To save the outfit from becoming too drab in hues of rust and tan, I'd bring some colour in. These earrings from topshop are lovely, as is the sunny yellow/mustard nail varnish. Again I would keep the makeup light and fresh, tinted balm and lashings of mascara will suffice.
I'm practically salivating at the thought of a shopping spree for non-maternity wear but I suppose the next spree for clothes won't be for me! We've saved money so that we can splash out on a fab new wardrobe for the baby once we know whether we are shopping for blue or pink ...
I have had loads of fun finding really nice maternity clothes, and experimenting with items in my pre-pregnancy wardrobe, but as d day approaches I'm really looking forward to getting some new non maternity wear! I'm particularly coveting the lovely knitwear that is hitting the shelves, especially in my favourite autumnal hues of chocolate brown, dusky pink and rust. With that in mind these are two looks I've come up with ...
The first is more relaxed, something that I would like to wear when we have visitors or for that first and short trip out. I have these jeans, they are skinny indigo maternity jeans from new look and they are fab. As they don't have an over the bump panel I think they will be great for the transition as everything (more or less) returns to normal. I've also bought some looser fit basic tees, this one is from topshop, I think they will be great to have on over a nursing vest while I'm still tummy conscious. The lovely cardi is from dorothy perkins and is top of my shopping list at the moment. In the house I would team this outfit with some trusty slipper socks, outside I'd still go for comfort and opt for some pretty ballet flats, these are lovely and a bargain from garage shoes (I love garage shoes!). I'm planning to keep makeup very simple and have added a lovely tinted balm from topshop and good old falsies mascara, also some dry shampoo might come in handy! Now this watch is well out of my reach at the minute, it's Marc by Marc Jacobs ... one can only dream! I do have a lovely gold watch but had to put this one in the pic because it is just so pretty!!
This outfit looks like you've made more of an effort, even though the emphasis is still on comfort. I love the style and colour of this knitted dress, again from dotty p's, they seem to have got it spot on so far with their new season collection for me! I would team this with some fab riding boots, these are another bargain from the fabulous garage shoes (look past the naff gladiators and stripper shoes and you too will see the genius of this shop). The knitted dress would be quite forgiving on a mummy tummy and as I regain my waistline I'll be making the most of it, emphasising the new shape with a skinny belt like this one from dorothy perkins. To save the outfit from becoming too drab in hues of rust and tan, I'd bring some colour in. These earrings from topshop are lovely, as is the sunny yellow/mustard nail varnish. Again I would keep the makeup light and fresh, tinted balm and lashings of mascara will suffice.
I'm practically salivating at the thought of a shopping spree for non-maternity wear but I suppose the next spree for clothes won't be for me! We've saved money so that we can splash out on a fab new wardrobe for the baby once we know whether we are shopping for blue or pink ...
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
packing - stage 1
Isn't it always the fun part that gets done first?!

to pack or not to pack??
Today I am packing my hospital bag, I had been putting this off until I knew what type of delivery I would be packing for, as everything went well at my scan on Monday I'm planning for a natural birth ... and packing everything I think I'll need for that. I know I've mentioned before that I'm not a light packer so this is going to be an interesting one! I've done some research around and compiled the following list ... I love a good list!
During Labour
After Labour
Birth Partner
Best not forget the hubby in all this!
New Arrival
The best bit! When we toured the hospital the wards were very warm, and historically so has September (queue flashback to our glorious wedding nearly three years ago!) so this list tries to cover both warm and cool scenarios ...
Now from my research this is generally what they recommend you take, it seems like a lot but I can genuinely see the point in everything on the list, knowing me I'll probably sneak some more items in too!!
Would love to hear your thoughts - did you pack way too much, or have I missed something that you couldn't have done without??
During Labour
- birth plan (I still need to work on this but to be honest I'm pretty open to everything, until Monday a planned cesarean was one option that I had to get my head round so after that anything goes!)
- night shirt/dress (I'm going to pack two for this stage in case I get too hot and need to change for comfort)
- light dressing gown (in case I'm one of the women who paces the corridor to help things along, this will also be handy in the post natal ward)
- flip flops (rather than slippers for me, I find them more comfortable)
- socks (apparently while the rest of you is boiling your feet can get cold)
- lip balm/vaseline (I wouldn't go anywhere without it!)
- cooling spray (I think I would get rather annoyed with one of those little fans)
- hairbrush, hairband and bobbles (to keep my hair out of my face)
- dream genii (not sure about this one but I've seen women being told to rest many a time on OBEM so I might just put it in the car and hubby can retrieve if needed)
- magazines (just in case I get a chance to read, could be a good opportunity to read all the back issues of marie clare that are stacking up!)
- phone charger (so I don't run out of juice the minute the baby arrives)
- lucozade (for that much needed energy boost)
- cereal bars/dried fruit (not too heavy but packed full of energy releasing goodness)
After Labour
- toiletries (I've been and stocked up on miniatures - toothpaste, mouthwash, shampoo and conditioner, shower gel, body lotion, moisturiser and deodorant)
- 2 packs of maternity pads (yuck!)
- breast pads (I've had to start using these already!)
- big cheap knickers (less glamour more comfort)
- nursing bras
- sleep wear (I think I'm going to get some new bottoms and wear the dressing gown from above for easy breast feeding)
- towels (not sure if the hospital will provide so I'll check this one!)
- comfy going home outfit (I am under no illusion that I will be back to my pre-pregnancy shape instantly so I'll make sure to pack comfortable trousers, a loose top and some flat shoes)
Birth Partner
Best not forget the hubby in all this!
- change of t-shirt, pants and socks (I will not be letting him out of my sight even if home is only 10 minutes away from the hospital!)
- snacks and drinks (I know they are available at the hospital but it would be nice to have something there for him to save him having to hunt for food)
- phone charger (as above)
New Arrival
The best bit! When we toured the hospital the wards were very warm, and historically so has September (queue flashback to our glorious wedding nearly three years ago!) so this list tries to cover both warm and cool scenarios ...
- 3 vests & 2 sleepsuits (see both warm and cool ... with spares!)
- nappies (I'll pack a couple and have a whole pack in the car)
- wipes (I know you're not supposed to but the midwife advised to use them to clean up the first bowel movement)
- head to toe wash (we were told not to invest in the whole range of toiletries out there but a gentle wash like johnsons head to toe would be good if you wanted to use it)
- small pack of cotton pads (again we have been advised against the balls or pleats just because they make more mess than they clean up)
- 2 pairs of socks
- 2 pairs of scratch mitts
- hat
- cellular blanket
- coming home outfit (we have too many to choose from so it may have to go to a vote!)
Now from my research this is generally what they recommend you take, it seems like a lot but I can genuinely see the point in everything on the list, knowing me I'll probably sneak some more items in too!!
Would love to hear your thoughts - did you pack way too much, or have I missed something that you couldn't have done without??
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
34 weeks!
Not long to go now! Yesterday I was 34 weeks through my first pregnancy...
What a week! I decided some time ago to take time off before the baby arrives, just to get everything including myself ready. What I wasn't prepared for was quite how emotional I would feel finishing work. I'm really lucky to have a job that I love and I work with some brilliant people. They certainly made sure I went out in style, I had a week full of treats including an 100% surprise baby shower. I was thoroughly spoilt. The week went by in such a blur of finishing tasks, handing over and receiving gifts ... I even contemplated staying on for an extra week (for like a minute!).
My body took the opportunity last week to remind me that I do need to slow things down and rest, I am after all carrying round another person! That's right - Braxton Hicks. I've read time and time again that on the whole they are pain free ... not mine. Last week they got so strong that I was almost double over in pain. Not good for the hubby's nerves bless him! I've found the best thing for me is to relax, drink plenty of water and if they still linger a nice hot water bottle tends to do the trick. But, just in case the next lot are not these pain free tests (?!!) that we hear so much about I've downloaded a contraction tracker app - technology is a wonderful thing!
We went to visit my dad and stepmum over the weekend, it was fab. We went o Lincoln on Saturday where there was a special Punch and Judy day - loads of P&J acts had come to the city for one day, raising money for charity. It was so nice to see all the kids enjoying something so traditional ... what made it even better was the weather, hot and sunny for a change! On Sunday we went out for breakfast to the Purple Cow in Cottingham, as the weather was even better we enjoyed it al fresco. It was halfway through my eggs benedict that I decided us brits don't 'do breakfast' enough, maybe when the baby arrives it's something we can do on a regular basis. I would thoroughly recommend the Purple Cow if you are in the area - fantastic food and a lovely atmosphere.
And finally, yesterday I went for my 34 week scan. Usually you would only have a scan at around 12 weeks and again at 20 weeks. I had this one because at my 20 week scan the placenta was low lying. I wasn't as nervous for this scan as the previous ones, I think because we have such an active baby I wasn't too concerned about that aspect. This was more about the logistics of how he/she would be delivered. As soon as the sonographer put the images on the screen my heart melted, you know that they are growing just by the size of the bump but to see how far they have come on is amazing. At this stage they are too big for the full body shots that you get at 20 weeks but, to be honest, the detail at this stage is far more mesmerizing. We got to see little chubby cheeks, a little button nose, tiny toes ... and our baby sticking it's fingers up at us, charming! Thankfully the placenta is well out of the way, I can plan for a natural delivery and pack my bag accordingly. Unfortunately we haven't got any photos of the scan to share, but it's not that long until we'll have photos of our little bundle to show you!
Looking forward to my first full week off work, although it's a busy one! Midwife appointment today, and visiting friends with babies for the rest of the week - yay!!
What a week! I decided some time ago to take time off before the baby arrives, just to get everything including myself ready. What I wasn't prepared for was quite how emotional I would feel finishing work. I'm really lucky to have a job that I love and I work with some brilliant people. They certainly made sure I went out in style, I had a week full of treats including an 100% surprise baby shower. I was thoroughly spoilt. The week went by in such a blur of finishing tasks, handing over and receiving gifts ... I even contemplated staying on for an extra week (for like a minute!).
My body took the opportunity last week to remind me that I do need to slow things down and rest, I am after all carrying round another person! That's right - Braxton Hicks. I've read time and time again that on the whole they are pain free ... not mine. Last week they got so strong that I was almost double over in pain. Not good for the hubby's nerves bless him! I've found the best thing for me is to relax, drink plenty of water and if they still linger a nice hot water bottle tends to do the trick. But, just in case the next lot are not these pain free tests (?!!) that we hear so much about I've downloaded a contraction tracker app - technology is a wonderful thing!
We went to visit my dad and stepmum over the weekend, it was fab. We went o Lincoln on Saturday where there was a special Punch and Judy day - loads of P&J acts had come to the city for one day, raising money for charity. It was so nice to see all the kids enjoying something so traditional ... what made it even better was the weather, hot and sunny for a change! On Sunday we went out for breakfast to the Purple Cow in Cottingham, as the weather was even better we enjoyed it al fresco. It was halfway through my eggs benedict that I decided us brits don't 'do breakfast' enough, maybe when the baby arrives it's something we can do on a regular basis. I would thoroughly recommend the Purple Cow if you are in the area - fantastic food and a lovely atmosphere.
And finally, yesterday I went for my 34 week scan. Usually you would only have a scan at around 12 weeks and again at 20 weeks. I had this one because at my 20 week scan the placenta was low lying. I wasn't as nervous for this scan as the previous ones, I think because we have such an active baby I wasn't too concerned about that aspect. This was more about the logistics of how he/she would be delivered. As soon as the sonographer put the images on the screen my heart melted, you know that they are growing just by the size of the bump but to see how far they have come on is amazing. At this stage they are too big for the full body shots that you get at 20 weeks but, to be honest, the detail at this stage is far more mesmerizing. We got to see little chubby cheeks, a little button nose, tiny toes ... and our baby sticking it's fingers up at us, charming! Thankfully the placenta is well out of the way, I can plan for a natural delivery and pack my bag accordingly. Unfortunately we haven't got any photos of the scan to share, but it's not that long until we'll have photos of our little bundle to show you!
Looking forward to my first full week off work, although it's a busy one! Midwife appointment today, and visiting friends with babies for the rest of the week - yay!!
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
33 weeks!
So yesterday I was 33 weeks through my pregnancy ... and on day one of my last week of work!
Over the last week I've been so busy at work that I haven't really had time to sit back and take in the fact that I haven't got long to go at all. I'm busy making sure that everything is up to date and what can be is handed over properly. To be honest I'm looking forward to next week and taking time to relax and mentally prepare (or at least that is what I'll say I'm doing!). I'm planning to meet up with friends who have babies just so I can have a sneak peek into what their routine is like now ... it will be great having people on maternity leave the same time as me!
That said, I'll be leaving my lovely team who have been great over the past few months ... putting up with mood swings and looking after me. I've just been to the shops tonight and put some goody bags together for each of them as a way of saying thank you.
I'm actually feeling great, the iron supplements have really helped out with the tiredness and have also eased some of the other pregnancy related issues (sorry for TMI but I'm referring to constipation!). I do have lots of energy and I'm not feeling weighed down by my bump at the moment. I'm also starting to make lists (a favourite pastime of mine) and collect things that I will be taking to the hospital with me ... like I've said before though, I'm not one to pack lightly so I can see this going terribly wrong and poor hubby ending up like a pack horse in the middle of the night!
I've finally brought myself up to speed with technology and traded my cheap and cheerful mobile for a snazzy fandagled one (sony ericsson experia arc). I'm still getting up to speed with it but I was desperate for a phone with a decent camera, so I can share baby photos and videos quickly. Hopefully I'll be using it to post soon ... watch this space! Seriously, you would never think that I work for an IT provider!
Sorry for the light update! Hopefully will have more for you next Monday when I'll be 34 weeks and have had my scan to see the position of the placenta. Fingers crossed it's moved :)
Over the last week I've been so busy at work that I haven't really had time to sit back and take in the fact that I haven't got long to go at all. I'm busy making sure that everything is up to date and what can be is handed over properly. To be honest I'm looking forward to next week and taking time to relax and mentally prepare (or at least that is what I'll say I'm doing!). I'm planning to meet up with friends who have babies just so I can have a sneak peek into what their routine is like now ... it will be great having people on maternity leave the same time as me!
That said, I'll be leaving my lovely team who have been great over the past few months ... putting up with mood swings and looking after me. I've just been to the shops tonight and put some goody bags together for each of them as a way of saying thank you.
I'm actually feeling great, the iron supplements have really helped out with the tiredness and have also eased some of the other pregnancy related issues (sorry for TMI but I'm referring to constipation!). I do have lots of energy and I'm not feeling weighed down by my bump at the moment. I'm also starting to make lists (a favourite pastime of mine) and collect things that I will be taking to the hospital with me ... like I've said before though, I'm not one to pack lightly so I can see this going terribly wrong and poor hubby ending up like a pack horse in the middle of the night!
I've finally brought myself up to speed with technology and traded my cheap and cheerful mobile for a snazzy fandagled one (sony ericsson experia arc). I'm still getting up to speed with it but I was desperate for a phone with a decent camera, so I can share baby photos and videos quickly. Hopefully I'll be using it to post soon ... watch this space! Seriously, you would never think that I work for an IT provider!
Sorry for the light update! Hopefully will have more for you next Monday when I'll be 34 weeks and have had my scan to see the position of the placenta. Fingers crossed it's moved :)
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
32 weeks!
I'm playing catch up a little this week so you'll have to bear with me! I'm late posting this week because we were at the cinema on the Sunday, I was being transformed on Monday (I'm now a brunette) and I went out for dinner for phase 1 of my leaving do from work last night.
On Monday I was officially 32 weeks through my pregnancy, or entering my 33rd week however you prefer to count.
I had my midwife appointment on Tuesday, which was interesting, on my records it showed that I had been prescribed iron as my levels from the previous blood tests were borderline low ... however someone had failed to tell me! Everything else in the appointment was fine, I told her about my unscheduled trip to the ante natal department and she reiterated what had been said there regarding the change of position and the SPD. I also picked up my prescription for iron supplements on my way out and have been taking them since to combat the tiredness associated with lower iron levels.
After the previous week, and the issues around my SPD I have to say I have been a lot more comfortable, as the baby has changed position my bump is sitting quiet a bit lower, I'm not going to say it's dropped as I still think that is a way off. This has meant that simple thinks like moving around and sitting at my desk have become a lot easier, not that they were impossible before it's just I've noticed a great improvement in how comfortable I am ... plus I'm not getting short of breath (again I hadn't really noticed this until the baby changed positions but its much better now!). I've also enforced a 'no long meetings' rule at work which is really helping me, at least I don't have to dread sitting in stuffy meeting rooms with torture devices for chairs for hours on end. Plus, I've also been able to get on with the long list of things I need to get done or handed over before I leave - which is next Friday!
I think getting through one list of to do's has also got me starting another, me and the hubby are making an effort to go on a date a week before the baby arrives, something I don't think we'll have a lot of time for in the first few months. This week we went to see the final Harry Potter film at the cinema ... a heavily pregnant lady in a darkened room normally means one thing - sleep! but I managed to stay awake thoughout and thoroughly enjoyed it. I love going to the cinema with hubby, we went to see a film on our first date and it always brings back lovely memories.
The braxton hicks contractions have well and truly kicked in, and while I could think of a million ways to describe them painless is not one word that I would use! For me, they are worse on a morning and during the day, when I'm resting or during the evening they don't seem to bother me as much. I'm drinking plenty of water and resting as much as I can when they come - apparently this helps. Uncomfortable as they are I think it's fascinating the way in which your body prepares for the pending arrival!
On Monday I was officially 32 weeks through my pregnancy, or entering my 33rd week however you prefer to count.
I had my midwife appointment on Tuesday, which was interesting, on my records it showed that I had been prescribed iron as my levels from the previous blood tests were borderline low ... however someone had failed to tell me! Everything else in the appointment was fine, I told her about my unscheduled trip to the ante natal department and she reiterated what had been said there regarding the change of position and the SPD. I also picked up my prescription for iron supplements on my way out and have been taking them since to combat the tiredness associated with lower iron levels.
After the previous week, and the issues around my SPD I have to say I have been a lot more comfortable, as the baby has changed position my bump is sitting quiet a bit lower, I'm not going to say it's dropped as I still think that is a way off. This has meant that simple thinks like moving around and sitting at my desk have become a lot easier, not that they were impossible before it's just I've noticed a great improvement in how comfortable I am ... plus I'm not getting short of breath (again I hadn't really noticed this until the baby changed positions but its much better now!). I've also enforced a 'no long meetings' rule at work which is really helping me, at least I don't have to dread sitting in stuffy meeting rooms with torture devices for chairs for hours on end. Plus, I've also been able to get on with the long list of things I need to get done or handed over before I leave - which is next Friday!
I think getting through one list of to do's has also got me starting another, me and the hubby are making an effort to go on a date a week before the baby arrives, something I don't think we'll have a lot of time for in the first few months. This week we went to see the final Harry Potter film at the cinema ... a heavily pregnant lady in a darkened room normally means one thing - sleep! but I managed to stay awake thoughout and thoroughly enjoyed it. I love going to the cinema with hubby, we went to see a film on our first date and it always brings back lovely memories.
The braxton hicks contractions have well and truly kicked in, and while I could think of a million ways to describe them painless is not one word that I would use! For me, they are worse on a morning and during the day, when I'm resting or during the evening they don't seem to bother me as much. I'm drinking plenty of water and resting as much as I can when they come - apparently this helps. Uncomfortable as they are I think it's fascinating the way in which your body prepares for the pending arrival!
Monday, 11 July 2011
bag lady
Shopper, hold all, hobo, clutch, messenger ... I've been totally confused at to what is the perfect changing bag. Being a first time mum I wasn't too sure what to look out for and once the search began I just got more and more confused.
I know I would want something with plenty of room for all the 'essentials', which from what I've read is everything but the kitchen sink for a newborn. I also want something with plenty of pockets to keep everything organised and me sane. Ideally I wanted something that I could put on the pram, so it wouldn't have to be carried everywhere. But, ultimately I wanted something pretty! These are the some options I came up with ...
Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpack - Tea on the Thames £130. This is beautiful and well made, ultimately I couldn't justify the cost so this one was ruled out.
Skip Hop Dash Deluxe - Blossom £52. I really like the striking pattern of this bag, and it's a great price but it just wasn't me when I tried it.
OiOi Tote - Ikat Tapestry £69. Lovely bag!
Pink Lining Yummy Mummy - Grey Bows £75. For each sale of this limited edition bag, pink lining will give a donation to the NSPCC. Unfortunately it's sold out ... and I don't think I could carry round something that said Yummy Mummy!
What did I choose I hear you ask? I absolutely fell in love with the prettiness of the pink lining range, but I also had in my head my list of criteria - space, pockets, carrying etc. So I went for ...
Their messenger style in 'grey doves', I love the mint green background which keeps the bag nice and neutral. The fabric has prints of pairs of grey doves, hearts and daisys ... how pretty! The hubby would say that the best thing is I had a discount code which meant I got 25% off the usual price tag of £75! It hasn't arrived yet but I'm tempted to pack it as soon as it does!
I know I would want something with plenty of room for all the 'essentials', which from what I've read is everything but the kitchen sink for a newborn. I also want something with plenty of pockets to keep everything organised and me sane. Ideally I wanted something that I could put on the pram, so it wouldn't have to be carried everywhere. But, ultimately I wanted something pretty! These are the some options I came up with ...
Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpack - Tea on the Thames £130. This is beautiful and well made, ultimately I couldn't justify the cost so this one was ruled out.
Skip Hop Dash Deluxe - Blossom £52. I really like the striking pattern of this bag, and it's a great price but it just wasn't me when I tried it.
OiOi Tote - Ikat Tapestry £69. Lovely bag!
Pink Lining Yummy Mummy - Grey Bows £75. For each sale of this limited edition bag, pink lining will give a donation to the NSPCC. Unfortunately it's sold out ... and I don't think I could carry round something that said Yummy Mummy!
What did I choose I hear you ask? I absolutely fell in love with the prettiness of the pink lining range, but I also had in my head my list of criteria - space, pockets, carrying etc. So I went for ...
Their messenger style in 'grey doves', I love the mint green background which keeps the bag nice and neutral. The fabric has prints of pairs of grey doves, hearts and daisys ... how pretty! The hubby would say that the best thing is I had a discount code which meant I got 25% off the usual price tag of £75! It hasn't arrived yet but I'm tempted to pack it as soon as it does!
31 weeks!
Today I'm 31 weeks through my pregnancy, which means we can expect our little bundle within the next 7 to 11 weeks.
To be honest, I've not had a great week. The tiredness has set back in and I've been really uncomfortable. I mentioned that at 29 weeks the baby was transverse and I think this is starting to cause me some problems now, as the baby tries to move around and get in the right position. I was waking up in the morning with a really sore pubic bone and 'pressure' down below. It got so bad that on Friday, when I couldn't get hold of my usual midwife, I had to visit the ante natal department of a local hospital to be checked out. It was for peace of mind really, I just wanted to be reassured that either what I was experiencing was normal or if not what exactly it was. Turns out my SPD has flared up again as the baby is trying to turn and putting more pressure on my pelvis. It's is quite common but some women experience SPD during pregnancy and it is not diagnosed or dimsissed as just another symptom - I thought I would use this post to give you a bit more information about the condition and what I think has helped me ease the pain.
What is SPD?
SPD, or symphysis pubis dyfunction, is a condition mostly associated with pregnancy and childbirth, it affects the front connection of the pelvis called the sympysis pubis (or pubic bone).During pregnancy a hormone called relaxin is released to relax the ligaments holding the joints together to allow these joints to move more easliy when delivering the baby. These joints can sometimes become too loose during pregnancy, causing pain and inflamation, this is known as SPD.
SPD is most likely to occur mid pregnancy, if you have experienced SPD with a previous pregnancy you are more than likely to have it again with any further pregnancies.
What are the symptoms?
Pubic area and groin pain are most common, but the pain can manifest itself elsewhere including the lower back, lower abdomen, legs and (like me) hip joints. In fact, I could also hear the joints of my hips clicking as they moved.
The pain can get worse when doing activities which stretch the joints, including walking, getting in and out of cars, bed, baths etc. Pain can also worsen at night when more pressure is on the joints as you lie down.
Some women experience mild discomfort, while for others it can be a really debilitating condition where the use of crutches to support walking is required.
How long does it last?
Generally (I'm told) as the condition is pregnancy related symptoms should reduce and dissapear shortly after having the baby - around 6 weeks. However, some women require further treatment or even surgery to treat the condition following birth. I've read lots of stories and been told varying advice on this one so I think I'm best off to leave it there and let you know how I get on!
What is the treatment?
If you think you are experiencing symptoms of SPD go and see your midwife or doctor, don't leave it too late as the symptoms can get worse and really uncomfortable, they should refer you to a physio who will assess you further and advise on the best treatment for you. I was referred to a physio who gave me a number of exercises specific to the areas I was experiencing pain and also a support band which helps to tighten the joints together, almost like a girdle.
These are some of the other things I think have really helped me -
More about this baby moving and causing these problems - well it wasn't transverse anymore, now its oblique! At least it's a move in the right direction. Although who knows what position it will be in for my next appointment, if the movement from last night is anything to go by the baby seems to be doing somersaults!! We'll just have to see what tomorrow brings.
To be honest, I've not had a great week. The tiredness has set back in and I've been really uncomfortable. I mentioned that at 29 weeks the baby was transverse and I think this is starting to cause me some problems now, as the baby tries to move around and get in the right position. I was waking up in the morning with a really sore pubic bone and 'pressure' down below. It got so bad that on Friday, when I couldn't get hold of my usual midwife, I had to visit the ante natal department of a local hospital to be checked out. It was for peace of mind really, I just wanted to be reassured that either what I was experiencing was normal or if not what exactly it was. Turns out my SPD has flared up again as the baby is trying to turn and putting more pressure on my pelvis. It's is quite common but some women experience SPD during pregnancy and it is not diagnosed or dimsissed as just another symptom - I thought I would use this post to give you a bit more information about the condition and what I think has helped me ease the pain.
What is SPD?
SPD, or symphysis pubis dyfunction, is a condition mostly associated with pregnancy and childbirth, it affects the front connection of the pelvis called the sympysis pubis (or pubic bone).During pregnancy a hormone called relaxin is released to relax the ligaments holding the joints together to allow these joints to move more easliy when delivering the baby. These joints can sometimes become too loose during pregnancy, causing pain and inflamation, this is known as SPD.
SPD is most likely to occur mid pregnancy, if you have experienced SPD with a previous pregnancy you are more than likely to have it again with any further pregnancies.
What are the symptoms?
Pubic area and groin pain are most common, but the pain can manifest itself elsewhere including the lower back, lower abdomen, legs and (like me) hip joints. In fact, I could also hear the joints of my hips clicking as they moved.
The pain can get worse when doing activities which stretch the joints, including walking, getting in and out of cars, bed, baths etc. Pain can also worsen at night when more pressure is on the joints as you lie down.
Some women experience mild discomfort, while for others it can be a really debilitating condition where the use of crutches to support walking is required.
How long does it last?
Generally (I'm told) as the condition is pregnancy related symptoms should reduce and dissapear shortly after having the baby - around 6 weeks. However, some women require further treatment or even surgery to treat the condition following birth. I've read lots of stories and been told varying advice on this one so I think I'm best off to leave it there and let you know how I get on!
What is the treatment?
If you think you are experiencing symptoms of SPD go and see your midwife or doctor, don't leave it too late as the symptoms can get worse and really uncomfortable, they should refer you to a physio who will assess you further and advise on the best treatment for you. I was referred to a physio who gave me a number of exercises specific to the areas I was experiencing pain and also a support band which helps to tighten the joints together, almost like a girdle.
These are some of the other things I think have really helped me -
- Make sure you do your pelvic floor exercises, this will strengthen the muscles which will add extra support to the baby when it drops, reducing the amount of pressure on the pelvis.
- Keep active, take short walks on even terrain which will help to strengthen your core muscles and ease any pains.
- Crawl! No seriously, spending time on your hands and knees each day releives the pressure on the pelvis. Apparently it also helps the baby get into the correct position for birth ...
- If like me you seem to attend meeting after meeting at work, start saying no. Sitting in uncomfortable meeting chairs for extended periods of time will do you no good ... and you should be taking it easy!
- If you can manage it have a long soak in a nice warm bath, the heat helps with the pain and the bath itself will relax you, easing any tension in the joints. Just make sure you have someone to help you in or out if it is quite painful. If it is too painful a good old hot water bottle where you experience the pain should help.
- Sleep on your left hand side and use pillows in between your legs to reduce the pressure on your joints. I swear by my dream genii pillow which is specifically designed to help you sleep in this position.
- Finally, sit down when getting dressed and putting on shoes (I honestly can't say I follow this one 100% of the time myself!).
More about this baby moving and causing these problems - well it wasn't transverse anymore, now its oblique! At least it's a move in the right direction. Although who knows what position it will be in for my next appointment, if the movement from last night is anything to go by the baby seems to be doing somersaults!! We'll just have to see what tomorrow brings.
Sunday, 10 July 2011
sun, sea and stretch marks ...
I know I've mentioned before that I keep fantasising about a summer holiday, somewhere warm and a nice place to relax ... then I think about what warm means and the fact that I haven't been coping too well with the warmer weather we've had here in blighty.
Anyhoo ... if I was to go on holiday there is some great summer maternity clothing out there so I thought I would bring a collection together of items I would pack for this fantasy summer holiday, just for fun!
So I'm thinking of stretches of lovely white sandy beaches with the odd pair of sun loungers here and there, a perfect place to relax and catch up on some reading.
Shirt, tankini, sunglasses and nail varnish from Topshop. Mascara from Benefit - there is a reason why this is a classic. Sandals from Dorothy Perkins and Bag from River Island. I've made sure to include my essentials in there too - the bible (as it is known when pregnant) what to expect when you are expecting, factor 50 sun protection and a big bottle of water.
I'd like to go somewhere historic, preferably with plenty of sightseeing opportunities.
One thing I love about being away is the lovely fresh food. I'm imagining a small restaurant by a harbour at night, with plenty of outdoor seating.
Top, earrings, bag and sandals from Topshop (as above). Sunglasses and palazzo pants from Dorothy Perkins (as above). Bangle from River Island (as above). I love the nude and muted colours that are in all the shops at the moment, but being me I have to bring in some shots of colour. This time it's coral, introduced through the shoes and earrings and continued through the makeup. It's a lovely strong colour and works really well with a tan. I always like to treat myself to a new scent when we go away - preferably on the way there and then I wear it while away which means when you get back to reality the smell transports you back on holiday (for a brief moment) - this year it has to be Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh. It is so light and refreshing, and more importantly my heightened sense of smell still loves it!
What a lovely fantasy holiday. The reality is, when not at work or out and about I'm far more comfortable in a pair of lounge pants and an oversized t-shirt. I'm using a gradual tanner to get that sin kissed look (garnier summer body is the best for my ridiculously pale skin) and have filled the house (and office) with fans to ensure there is always a breeze! Oh well, there is always next year ...
Anyhoo ... if I was to go on holiday there is some great summer maternity clothing out there so I thought I would bring a collection together of items I would pack for this fantasy summer holiday, just for fun!
So I'm thinking of stretches of lovely white sandy beaches with the odd pair of sun loungers here and there, a perfect place to relax and catch up on some reading.
Shirt, tankini, sunglasses and nail varnish from Topshop. Mascara from Benefit - there is a reason why this is a classic. Sandals from Dorothy Perkins and Bag from River Island. I've made sure to include my essentials in there too - the bible (as it is known when pregnant) what to expect when you are expecting, factor 50 sun protection and a big bottle of water.
I'd like to go somewhere historic, preferably with plenty of sightseeing opportunities.
Dress, hat and earrings from Topshop (as above). Bag and shoes from ASOS. I love easy to use, practical products. The last time we were away we bought some sport sun protection in an aerosol. It's so easy to apply and transport, feels really light when you put it on, and because it's designed for sports withstands those 'glowing' moments. As I seem to melt in the heat I've also included two great products - water face mist to cool down and the long lasting NARS multiple, to make sure you are camera ready.
One thing I love about being away is the lovely fresh food. I'm imagining a small restaurant by a harbour at night, with plenty of outdoor seating.
Top, earrings, bag and sandals from Topshop (as above). Sunglasses and palazzo pants from Dorothy Perkins (as above). Bangle from River Island (as above). I love the nude and muted colours that are in all the shops at the moment, but being me I have to bring in some shots of colour. This time it's coral, introduced through the shoes and earrings and continued through the makeup. It's a lovely strong colour and works really well with a tan. I always like to treat myself to a new scent when we go away - preferably on the way there and then I wear it while away which means when you get back to reality the smell transports you back on holiday (for a brief moment) - this year it has to be Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh. It is so light and refreshing, and more importantly my heightened sense of smell still loves it!
What a lovely fantasy holiday. The reality is, when not at work or out and about I'm far more comfortable in a pair of lounge pants and an oversized t-shirt. I'm using a gradual tanner to get that sin kissed look (garnier summer body is the best for my ridiculously pale skin) and have filled the house (and office) with fans to ensure there is always a breeze! Oh well, there is always next year ...
Monday, 4 July 2011
30 weeks!
Three quarters of the way through! If I had a penny for every time I hear the words 'not long now!' ...
Last week, with our antenatal class, we went for the tour of the hospital (University Hospital North Durham). I have to say I was really impressed. The delivery rooms are lovely, spacious, and because everything is hidden behind cupboards hotel stylee, calming. We also got to look round the ward (or the recovery zone) where we were privileged to share a couples 1 day old baby being bathed. The whole process really brought home how 'real' this is and how close we actually are. What I was really impressed with was the staff, there were loads of them and they all seemed lovely ... something which I'm sure will make a massive difference on the day. After our dose of reality I have started getting things together for my hospital bag, after all there have been babies born already from my online September 2011 birth group ... the issue is you get told what you need, the essentials, the nice to haves and the why didn't I think of packing one of those, while trying to balance the mantra of travel light. This is definitely going to be a tricky one for me which is probably why its a good thing that I'm starting now, maybe by the time comes round I will have perfected the birthing equivalent of a capsule wardrobe (not that I have been able to achieve one of those in my 28 years!).
This week has also seen the strengthening of my mood swings, or mummy moments. One moment I'm elated, the next frantic the next silent (which the husband would probably say is a good thing). On Saturday I was reduced to tears at the sight of horses being led across the road ... with their foals following close behind. Looking at the tiny foals, all legs and just getting the hang of walking, instinctively following their mummy was lovely, so lovely in fact that I could do nothing but sob for the next ten minutes. God help me if I see some ducklings!
Loads of my friends and colleagues have been jetting away on their holidays recently. Seeing them come back with that healthy glow that does not come out of a bottle, and listening to stories about life in the villa or dinner at the taverna makes me want to jet away too. I could think of nothing nicer than lazing by a pool, eating beautiful local dishes and taking in the scenery ... and then I wake up, I'm fantasizing about this from within my air conditioned office and the minute I set out side in this balmy British weather I start to melt, fast. there is no way I could be in temperatures of 38 and upwards. Oh well, it's nice to dream! I'll stick to my gradual tanner, keeping my skin soft and giving a gentle glow without the heat stroke.
This week has also seen the official arrival of the stretch marks, I knew they were coming (my mum has them and I already had some from previous weight loss) but now my poor tummy is starting to look like a mound of raspberry ripple ice cream. Mmmm ice cream - the sweet tooth is still here!
What with emotions like a rollercoaster, melting in the heat and the onset of scar tissue my treat this week has been to tackle those beautification tasks that I've been putting off. That means a full head to toe body scrub, conditioning mask for the hair, purifying mask for the face, manicure, pedicure and eyebrow wax. I managed (with great difficulty) to this by myself but something tells me that I may have to leave the pedi (the bodged job might be the giveaway) to the professionals from now on!
I only have 19 working days left at work, not long now! Oh ... I owe myself a penny :)
Last week, with our antenatal class, we went for the tour of the hospital (University Hospital North Durham). I have to say I was really impressed. The delivery rooms are lovely, spacious, and because everything is hidden behind cupboards hotel stylee, calming. We also got to look round the ward (or the recovery zone) where we were privileged to share a couples 1 day old baby being bathed. The whole process really brought home how 'real' this is and how close we actually are. What I was really impressed with was the staff, there were loads of them and they all seemed lovely ... something which I'm sure will make a massive difference on the day. After our dose of reality I have started getting things together for my hospital bag, after all there have been babies born already from my online September 2011 birth group ... the issue is you get told what you need, the essentials, the nice to haves and the why didn't I think of packing one of those, while trying to balance the mantra of travel light. This is definitely going to be a tricky one for me which is probably why its a good thing that I'm starting now, maybe by the time comes round I will have perfected the birthing equivalent of a capsule wardrobe (not that I have been able to achieve one of those in my 28 years!).
This week has also seen the strengthening of my mood swings, or mummy moments. One moment I'm elated, the next frantic the next silent (which the husband would probably say is a good thing). On Saturday I was reduced to tears at the sight of horses being led across the road ... with their foals following close behind. Looking at the tiny foals, all legs and just getting the hang of walking, instinctively following their mummy was lovely, so lovely in fact that I could do nothing but sob for the next ten minutes. God help me if I see some ducklings!
Loads of my friends and colleagues have been jetting away on their holidays recently. Seeing them come back with that healthy glow that does not come out of a bottle, and listening to stories about life in the villa or dinner at the taverna makes me want to jet away too. I could think of nothing nicer than lazing by a pool, eating beautiful local dishes and taking in the scenery ... and then I wake up, I'm fantasizing about this from within my air conditioned office and the minute I set out side in this balmy British weather I start to melt, fast. there is no way I could be in temperatures of 38 and upwards. Oh well, it's nice to dream! I'll stick to my gradual tanner, keeping my skin soft and giving a gentle glow without the heat stroke.
This week has also seen the official arrival of the stretch marks, I knew they were coming (my mum has them and I already had some from previous weight loss) but now my poor tummy is starting to look like a mound of raspberry ripple ice cream. Mmmm ice cream - the sweet tooth is still here!
What with emotions like a rollercoaster, melting in the heat and the onset of scar tissue my treat this week has been to tackle those beautification tasks that I've been putting off. That means a full head to toe body scrub, conditioning mask for the hair, purifying mask for the face, manicure, pedicure and eyebrow wax. I managed (with great difficulty) to this by myself but something tells me that I may have to leave the pedi (the bodged job might be the giveaway) to the professionals from now on!
I only have 19 working days left at work, not long now! Oh ... I owe myself a penny :)
Monday, 27 June 2011
29 weeks!
Today marks the 29th week of my pregnancy, I honestly don't know where all this time is going! The past week has been somewhat hectic, what with things on at work, midwife appointment and antenatal classes.
I had another midwife check up on Tuesday, at this stage you can expect more blood tests (nowhere near as many as the booking appointment though) these are routine tests and check things like your iron levels. I haven't heard my results but the midwife said that they would only contact me if there as anything that required further assessment or treatment - no news is good news in this case! I also got 'measured' after a certain point they start to measure your bump as a way of tracking the baby's growth, the measurement should be around the same in centimetres as the number of weeks you are (with an allowance of 4cm either way), I'm measuring 30cm which is a good sign that the baby is developing well ... not that I had a heavy lunch that day!
At the appointment the midwife also had a good feel of the bump to see which position the baby is in, at the moment ours is transverse, meaning it's lying across the bump rather than head down or breech. This is something that can cause difficulty in later pregnancy but there is plenty of time for this little one to move. At the antenatal classes they taught us that being on your hands and knees for 10minutes a day can help the baby get into the optimal position ... I may combine this with some cleaning as the nesting instinct becomes stronger. Its strange, now that I know the baby is in this position I can definitely feel the little lumps and bumps, me and the hubby have been trying to guess which bump is the head etc!
Antenatal classes this week were great, we had a double act of a midwife and a health visitor and they were brilliant. They got the whole class engaged and involved, especially in subjects which in other forums can turn in to a bit of a lecture - breastfeeding for example! We have our final class and hospital visit this week - I can't wait.
On top of all the activity we've also had a mini heatwave at the back end of the week, my desk fan has become my new companion! I've been applying factor 50, staying in the shade and drinking plenty of iced water. I've also been leaving the curtains in the bedroom closed throughout the day in a bid to keep the room cool. I have no idea how people in hotter climates cope when pregnant and the heat is on!!
I had another midwife check up on Tuesday, at this stage you can expect more blood tests (nowhere near as many as the booking appointment though) these are routine tests and check things like your iron levels. I haven't heard my results but the midwife said that they would only contact me if there as anything that required further assessment or treatment - no news is good news in this case! I also got 'measured' after a certain point they start to measure your bump as a way of tracking the baby's growth, the measurement should be around the same in centimetres as the number of weeks you are (with an allowance of 4cm either way), I'm measuring 30cm which is a good sign that the baby is developing well ... not that I had a heavy lunch that day!
At the appointment the midwife also had a good feel of the bump to see which position the baby is in, at the moment ours is transverse, meaning it's lying across the bump rather than head down or breech. This is something that can cause difficulty in later pregnancy but there is plenty of time for this little one to move. At the antenatal classes they taught us that being on your hands and knees for 10minutes a day can help the baby get into the optimal position ... I may combine this with some cleaning as the nesting instinct becomes stronger. Its strange, now that I know the baby is in this position I can definitely feel the little lumps and bumps, me and the hubby have been trying to guess which bump is the head etc!
Antenatal classes this week were great, we had a double act of a midwife and a health visitor and they were brilliant. They got the whole class engaged and involved, especially in subjects which in other forums can turn in to a bit of a lecture - breastfeeding for example! We have our final class and hospital visit this week - I can't wait.
On top of all the activity we've also had a mini heatwave at the back end of the week, my desk fan has become my new companion! I've been applying factor 50, staying in the shade and drinking plenty of iced water. I've also been leaving the curtains in the bedroom closed throughout the day in a bid to keep the room cool. I have no idea how people in hotter climates cope when pregnant and the heat is on!!
Sunday, 19 June 2011
28 weeks!
I've been a little quieter than usual the past week - not down to anything pregnancy related but due to computer issues ... I'm sorry if there is a flood of posts over the next few days as a result!
Tomorrow I am 28 weeks through my pregnancy, another week has been and gone and I can't quite believe it. However, cheesecake update ... I have resisted for a whole week! Lets make it two!!
Over the past week I have been really hectic at work, meeting after meeting followed by deadline upon deadline. Its so easy to get consumed in all of this and forget to look after yourself. One of the things that I can stay in control of is what I eat. I make a real effort to prepare our lunches for work each day at home, that way even if I can't have a proper break to eat it in I know I'm getting the right nutrients. Generally lunch this week has consisted of salad with new potatoes and some protein - tuna (within the recommended limits), hard boiled eggs and carved ham are all favourites! I also take plenty of fruit and a yoghurt to make sure I have something healthy to munch on when I feel peckish ... it helps me stay away from the mountains of chocolate biscuits in the office too. I'm paying particular attention to what I eat from this point onwards, as this is the stage where the baby lays down most of it's fat stores and I would rather they come from 'good' fats rather than, well, cheesecake!
We attended our first antenatal class on Tuesday which was much better than I thought it would be. It's great to be surrounded by people who are in the same situation as you (all of our class are expecting their first baby) and it's nice to know that the majority of them have the same burning questions as you ... mainly about labour and the birth! I'm really looking forward to our next session which takes us to the next stage, once the baby arrives. When pregnant I think you spend so much time focusing on that line in the sand (the birth) that you almost can't see past it to your life beyond, I'm really looking forward to learning the basics like how to wash a baby and how to change a nappy.
Apart from work and antenatal classes I think the majority of my time this week has been spent in the bath, wallowing in a mass of bubbles (I have so many bubble baths at the minute I've given up on luxury brands and stocked up on supermarket's own bubble bath - more bubbles the better). I think it's really important to relax while you can and claw back some me time. It's also great if you are starting to get an achy back, taking the pressure off and relaxing he muscles nicely.
I've also been finding that the heat is starting to get to me! I'm all set up with a desk fan at work and a large fan in our bedroom. I'm not complaining too much though, I still think we should make the most of good weather here while we have it (unlike today which requires head to toe waterproof gear!).
Happy fathers day ... I'm looking forward to next year when me and the little one can spoil the hubby rotten.
Tomorrow I am 28 weeks through my pregnancy, another week has been and gone and I can't quite believe it. However, cheesecake update ... I have resisted for a whole week! Lets make it two!!
Over the past week I have been really hectic at work, meeting after meeting followed by deadline upon deadline. Its so easy to get consumed in all of this and forget to look after yourself. One of the things that I can stay in control of is what I eat. I make a real effort to prepare our lunches for work each day at home, that way even if I can't have a proper break to eat it in I know I'm getting the right nutrients. Generally lunch this week has consisted of salad with new potatoes and some protein - tuna (within the recommended limits), hard boiled eggs and carved ham are all favourites! I also take plenty of fruit and a yoghurt to make sure I have something healthy to munch on when I feel peckish ... it helps me stay away from the mountains of chocolate biscuits in the office too. I'm paying particular attention to what I eat from this point onwards, as this is the stage where the baby lays down most of it's fat stores and I would rather they come from 'good' fats rather than, well, cheesecake!
We attended our first antenatal class on Tuesday which was much better than I thought it would be. It's great to be surrounded by people who are in the same situation as you (all of our class are expecting their first baby) and it's nice to know that the majority of them have the same burning questions as you ... mainly about labour and the birth! I'm really looking forward to our next session which takes us to the next stage, once the baby arrives. When pregnant I think you spend so much time focusing on that line in the sand (the birth) that you almost can't see past it to your life beyond, I'm really looking forward to learning the basics like how to wash a baby and how to change a nappy.
Apart from work and antenatal classes I think the majority of my time this week has been spent in the bath, wallowing in a mass of bubbles (I have so many bubble baths at the minute I've given up on luxury brands and stocked up on supermarket's own bubble bath - more bubbles the better). I think it's really important to relax while you can and claw back some me time. It's also great if you are starting to get an achy back, taking the pressure off and relaxing he muscles nicely.
I've also been finding that the heat is starting to get to me! I'm all set up with a desk fan at work and a large fan in our bedroom. I'm not complaining too much though, I still think we should make the most of good weather here while we have it (unlike today which requires head to toe waterproof gear!).
Happy fathers day ... I'm looking forward to next year when me and the little one can spoil the hubby rotten.
love it!
Ohdeedoh featured the grand nursery reveal of house thirty six this week ... it's lovely!
There is quite a lot going on in the room, but keeping the colour pallette to a few select shades (cool dove grey and lemon!) helps everything come together beautifully.
There is quite a lot going on in the room, but keeping the colour pallette to a few select shades (cool dove grey and lemon!) helps everything come together beautifully.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
the heat is on
Ok so the weather in the UK is changeable to say the least, but recently we have been getting some really nice and (relatively) warm days lasting well into the evening (tady it has to be said is the exception!). While usually I would welcome the heat and continue as normal, my increasing size and sensitivity to temperature means I've been taking things a little slower. The perfect excuse to chill out in the sun with a refreshing beverage!
My beverage of choice? A virgin apple mojito ... you will need:
Glass of crushed ice (plus a little spare for topping up if needed)
Half a glass of soda water (or lemonade if you prefer it a little sweeter)
Quarter glass of apple juice (the good stuff!)
Teaspoon of brown sugar
8-10 fresh mint leaves
Half a lime
In a high ball glass, add half the ice, the brown sugar, half the mint leaves and a splash of apple juice. Bash everything together to release the flavour of the mint and dissolve the sugar. Add the rest of the apple juice, ice and mint and mix together (I like to make sure I get a good distribution of mint leaves through the ice ... more for presentation!). Top with the soda water and squeeze the lime juice over the top.
Sit back, relax and enjoy!
My beverage of choice? A virgin apple mojito ... you will need:
Glass of crushed ice (plus a little spare for topping up if needed)
Half a glass of soda water (or lemonade if you prefer it a little sweeter)
Quarter glass of apple juice (the good stuff!)
Teaspoon of brown sugar
8-10 fresh mint leaves
Half a lime
In a high ball glass, add half the ice, the brown sugar, half the mint leaves and a splash of apple juice. Bash everything together to release the flavour of the mint and dissolve the sugar. Add the rest of the apple juice, ice and mint and mix together (I like to make sure I get a good distribution of mint leaves through the ice ... more for presentation!). Top with the soda water and squeeze the lime juice over the top.
Sit back, relax and enjoy!
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