Today marks the 29th week of my pregnancy, I honestly don't know where all this time is going! The past week has been somewhat hectic, what with things on at work, midwife appointment and antenatal classes.
I had another midwife check up on Tuesday, at this stage you can expect more blood tests (nowhere near as many as the booking appointment though) these are routine tests and check things like your iron levels. I haven't heard my results but the midwife said that they would only contact me if there as anything that required further assessment or treatment - no news is good news in this case! I also got 'measured' after a certain point they start to measure your bump as a way of tracking the baby's growth, the measurement should be around the same in centimetres as the number of weeks you are (with an allowance of 4cm either way), I'm measuring 30cm which is a good sign that the baby is developing well ... not that I had a heavy lunch that day!
At the appointment the midwife also had a good feel of the bump to see which position the baby is in, at the moment ours is transverse, meaning it's lying across the bump rather than head down or breech. This is something that can cause difficulty in later pregnancy but there is plenty of time for this little one to move. At the antenatal classes they taught us that being on your hands and knees for 10minutes a day can help the baby get into the optimal position ... I may combine this with some cleaning as the nesting instinct becomes stronger. Its strange, now that I know the baby is in this position I can definitely feel the little lumps and bumps, me and the hubby have been trying to guess which bump is the head etc!
Antenatal classes this week were great, we had a double act of a midwife and a health visitor and they were brilliant. They got the whole class engaged and involved, especially in subjects which in other forums can turn in to a bit of a lecture - breastfeeding for example! We have our final class and hospital visit this week - I can't wait.
On top of all the activity we've also had a mini heatwave at the back end of the week, my desk fan has become my new companion! I've been applying factor 50, staying in the shade and drinking plenty of iced water. I've also been leaving the curtains in the bedroom closed throughout the day in a bid to keep the room cool. I have no idea how people in hotter climates cope when pregnant and the heat is on!!
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