I've just realised that I haven't been doing a weekly countdown/journal, something that I had intended to do. Today I'm 23 weeks through my pregnancy! 17 weeks to go ... yikes!! In one way I'm willing the time to pass so that we can meet our new family member, and in another I can't believe that it is going so fast.
I love being pregnant, I have been really lucky and have got away with very little morning sickness, no strange cravings and few food aversions - except risotto ... long story.
The past few weeks have been particularly exciting as I've really started to feel the babies movements, its amazing to think that there are little hands and feet making all those kung fu moves inside me! I have to say that compared to most I was quite late to feel these tiny little movements, something that I found a little concerning, however I was reassured during my 20 week scan that this was due to the location of the placenta. I missed out on the 'butterfly' sensations and went straight to full on assault at week 21!
The initial tiredness has seemed to subside and I'm more or less back to normal, all be it with an intense desire to clean the house ... hang on I already had that!
My only issue is that I have been diagnosed with SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction), pelvic pain that occurs in pregnancy as the ligaments soften. I have to say that the doctors were great and I was referred to a physio and seen within two weeks. I was given lots of helpful advice on how to manage the symptoms, in the grand scheme of things mine aren't that bad some unfortunate ladies have to use crutches just to get around, I've been given a support belt and some yoga like exercises to do. I find that keeping active with gentle exercise, such as walking for 20 minutes, and long soaks in the bath relieve the symptoms. I've also purchased one of the most remarkable products which helps at night - a dream genii pillow - this helps me sleep in the correct position with support in between my legs and also stops me from rolling on my back which makes SPD worse (and requires my hubby to help me out of bed ... not great in the middle of the night when nature calls!). If you have SPD, ever suffered with back pain or are finding it difficult to get comfortable now you are pregnant I can't recommend it enough! As for the claims that it helps to get the baby in the best position for birth ... we'll see.
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