Wednesday, 27 April 2011

half way!

I have just past the half way point of my pregnancy and we had our 20 week scan last week. Like most people I was a mixed bag of excitement and apprehension on the build up to the scan, and if I'm really honest I took some of it out on my work colleagues and husband (thankfully we have the hormones to blame!).

The day finally came and I busied myself in the house in the morning, doing the usual dance of shall I go to the loo now and drink more water straight away or leave it? For reference I went and drank!

Our appointment was at 11am so thankfully we didn't have too long to wait (I think I would have been completely useless all day until I had been). Once you are in there the scan takes around 20 minutes, our midwife explained that she would take the measurements that they need to complete their calculations and focus in on certain areas, such as the heart, spine and head, to check for any abnormalities before taking us through the outcome of the scan and going on a 'guided tour' of our baby. We stuck to the original plan and decided not to find out the sex of the baby, we are really looking forward to finding out when we finally meet him or her!

It is such an amazing thing to see your baby on screen, at this stage they have developed so much since the early scan and their movements are fascinating to watch. Thankfully everything is fine with the baby, no abnormalities or issues were picked up on the scan. We also got some amazing pictures (our first scan pictures look like a jelly baby in a balloon!) which we have been sharing with everyone and anyone!

I'll have to go back for another scan at 34 weeks, at the moment I have a low lying placenta which basically means that the exit is blocked. This is quite common apparently, one in five women have it at this stage, and usually things have moved on by 34 weeks. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!


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